Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Assignment 5 : The Blue Angel

Description and interpretation of a scene in the Blue Angel:

The scene in the classroom where Professor Rath sees one of his student in possession of Lola's photo, confiscated it and tries to look deep the sensuous it portrays, leading to after-school session when a student he regards " favorite pupil" is blocked by others and fell off the ground. Subsequently revealing other pictures of Lola and the disclosure of the Blue Angel club by a student he considers a "favorite pupil"where most of other students go at night. He starts to think about how to get there, perhaps meet her, see how things will go from there.

The theme of nihilism was the choice he made to go to the Blue Angel and meet Lola, though under the pretext of looking for his students. He started taking drinks or alcohol from the club and enjoying the company of Lola at all times.

The theme of sexual is seen in how Lola is able to use her feminism to make him feel so closer and  fall in love with her despite knowing very well that she is a 'club-girl'. She kisses him and asks him to come back again. Thus, she uses her sexuality; a very powerful tool to get what she wants.

The theme of gender norm is the point where he marries her but lost his job and couldn't provide. His responsibility and authority as a man was overlooked because at that time, Lola has to go flirt with some other men for money or to provide their needs.


"It's All a Swindle" (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer (1931)

Papa swindles
Mama swindles
Grandmama's a lying thief
We're perfectly shameless
but we're blameless
after all it's our belief
Nowadays the world is rotten
honesty has been forgotten
fall in love but after kissing --
check your purse to see what's missing
Everyone swindles some
my son's a mooch and so's the pooch

Alles Schwindel
Papa schwindelt,
Mama schwindelt,
tut sie auf blob ihren Mund!
Tante Otilie,
und die Familie
und sogar der kleine Hund!
Und besieht man’s aus der Nähe:
Jedes Band und jede Ehe
jeder Kub in dern Betriebe
und sogar die grobe Liebe!
Und die ganze heut’ge Zeit ja,
sogar die Ehrlichkeit!


 The song is clearly talking about how corrupted everybody has become; from top to bottom. It is telling us to be careful with the people around us, and the issue of trust has now become an illusion. From small to big business, to our relationships with one another, everyone is looking for an opportunity to deceive the other person.I chose this song because it is precise and addresses social problem; corruption in our society and in our everyday life.

Friedrich Hollaender, “Raus mit den Männern” (1926). Performed and recorded by Ute Lemper, Berlin Cabaret Songs  (Decca 1996).
The battle for emancipation's been raging since history began
Yes, feminists of every nation want to chuck off the chains made by man
Hula girls and housemaids and wives in Maribou
hear all our voices thunder in protest
Anything that men do women can do too
and more that that we women do it best
Raus mit den Männern!
(für Claire Waldoff)
Es geht durch die ganze Historie
ein Ruf nach Emanzipation
vom Menschen bis zur Infusorie
überall will das Weib auf den Thron.
Vin Hawai-Neger bis zur Berliner Range
braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall daher:
Was die Männer können, können wir schon lange
und vielleicht ’ne ganze Ecke mehr.
Interpretation of the song:
It was addressing the issue of gender inequality at the time, and advocating for women to rise up and fight for their right.It went ahead to say that what men can do women can do it even better. And so, the time had come to wake up and act. I love the message in the song, that is why I chose it. I understand the protest and other struggles women had gone through to be recognized equals when I read the lyric.

A National Provision of Paragraph 175: A penal code in 1871
Paragraph 175 under the penal code prohibit a man to man sexual intercourse or a human to animal sex. The punishment for offenders was 10 years imprisonment. 21 years male was still considered minor and so the law wasn't applied to him.
I can relate to the reading with this law by Professor Immanuel Kant's "theory of freedom." and nihilism. 
“ Freedom” in Kant’s sense is acting out of a sense of ethical obligation or duty, but in a way that is freely chosen by the individual, no coerced, based upon their rational awareness of ethical principles”
 Human beings can do anything when they see themselves as ‘free.’ To have sex with animal is unethical. So Kant was saying that, ethical principles are creating or shaping our rationale to do or not to do something. Otherwise, “ the illusion of freedom” without such laws to guide our moral behavior, man can do anything whether bad or worst.

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