Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Article 7
The Reich is responsible for legislation in the areas
1. civil law
2. penal law
3. jurisdiction including the execution of sentences as well as judicial
assistance between government offices
4. passport affairs and the registration of aliens
5. welfare for the poor and the migrants
6. press, clubs, assemblies
7. population policy, motherhood, baby, children and youth welfare
8. health care, veterinary affairs, protection of plants against diseases and parasites
9. labour legislation, insurance and protection of workers and employees as well
as certification of employment
10. the establishment of institutions representing occupations within the Reich territory
11. welfare for combattants and their surviving dependants
12. the law of expropriation
13. the nationalization of natural resources, of economic enterprises, of the production, distribution and pricing of merchandise for the social economy
14. trade, measurements, the distribution of paper money, construction and stock markets
15. the sale of food as well as other goods of daily consumption
16. industry and mining
17. insurances
18. merchant shipping. ocean and coastal fishing
19. railways, inland navigation, motor vehicle traffic on land, water and in the air, the construction of overland roads, as far as these serve general traffic and national defense
20. theatres and cinemas


The article 7 section of the constitution gave "Reich" a greater power over the people and their affairs; implementation of laws with regards to labour, civil right, judiciary, social welfare, health care, export and import, and other related laws. These rights are important to humanity because, like civil right; it protect the people from being discriminated with regards to religion, race, gender, sexuality and so on. Also, citizens knowing that these rights are there to safeguard their wellbeing tend to feel at eace because they enjoy the freedom of being protected by the law ( nation) at all cost. These laws as; freedom of the press, civil laws, welfare for the poor, passport affairs and registration of aliens, etc are all somewhat protected to this day. For instance, in the U.S, there are still a greater number of population that are poor or into economic hardship still enjoy government social welfare programs as food stamps, unemployment benefits, insurance, bankcruptcy, and more. I am able to tell they are rights because the legislation of the land has made it so, and citizens have to understand what is expected from them and what the States is willing to give back.

Article 128
All citizens, without discrimination, are to be admitted, according to their talents and accomplishments, to public office.
All regulations discrimination against female Beamte are abolished. The status and working conditions of Beamte have to be regulated by Reich law.


This law is self-explanatory. Citizens especially women were discriminated in work places and other positions before this legislation was passed. "Beamte" literally means a civil servant in German language. Therefore, female Beamte are the female civil servant that are discriminated in their workplace.However, Reich laws made the law somehow equal with their male counterpart so far as they have the same talent, skills and knowledge to work in public office. Such laws are still applied. The U.S. in particular passed the equal pay rights in this regard. It is a right because it saves the interest of the female that have long been discriminated in terms of wages, salaries and payments.